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Welcome to my project "So_long"!

A game in a maze

so_long gif

Yes, I'm obviously a Baby Yoda lover :)

The goal of this project is to create a game called "so_long" using the C programming language and the Minilibx and Libft libraries. The game will be played on a 2D map consisting of walls, floor tiles, a player character, collectible objects, and an exit tile.

The map is read from a file and validated for correctness using a series of functions. Once the map is validated, it is displayed to the player using the Minilibx library, and the player can move their character using the arrow keys on their keyboard.
The game ends when the player successfully collects all the objects and reaches the exit tile, and the total number of steps taken by the player is displayed on the screen. The game also features a "collectible counter" that displays the number of objects the player has collected so far.

To achieve this logic, I used various functions to check and to update the player's position and collectible count and steps count when the player moves. I also used flood fill algorithm to check if there is a path between the player and the exit (backtracking). The player must navigate the map to collect all the objects and reach the exit tile while trying to use the least possible number of steps.

From coding this project, I improved a number of valuable skills and gained experience in several areas, including:
Programming logic: I had to come up with an algorithm to move the player character through the game board. This required logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Memory management: I had to allocate and free memory for various data structures, in order to avoid memory leaks. I used calloc in order to do this because calloc allocates memory and sets it to zero. That's why for this case was better option than malloc. Because malloc doesn't set the memory to zero, so if you use malloc and then you use the memory without setting it to zero, you might get some unexpected results.
Input/output: I had to read in the game map from a file and display it on the screen, as well as accept user input to move the player. I used the get_next_line function to read the map file. And regarding the moves I used the key_press function to move the player.
Graphics programming: I used the Minilibx library to create the game window and display images of the player, walls, collectibles, and exit. Regarding the graphics I had to convert the files I created in photoshop into .xpm type files.
for the 0s in the map file. The space where the player can move.
for the 1s in the map file. The wall where the player can't go.
for the E in the map file. The exit where the player has to go.
for the C in the map file. The collectible that the player has to collect.
and finally for the P in the map file. The player.
Error handling: I had to anticipate and handle errors that might arise during the game, such as invalid map files or memory allocation failures.
Makefile and project organization: I had to create a Makefile to compile my project and organize my code into separate files for readability and maintainability.

Overall Exprerience

Working on the "So_long" project helped me improve my coding skills and allowed me to showcase my creativity. This project required me to think critically and creatively to develop a visually game. I had to carefully consider the game mechanics and user interface to create a seamless and enjoyable experience for the player.

You can find the whole code of the project on my Github account.
