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Hello 👋

I'm Vasiliki Doropoulou

a front-end Developer 💻

Get to know me

Engineering User-Centric Solutions 🎯

As a front-end developer, I specialize in building performant web applications with a focus on exceptional user experience. My expertise lies in accessible and intuitive solutions, where technical excellence meets user needs. Through systematic problem-solving and attention to detail, I create robust applications that are both powerful and user-friendly.

When I'm not coding, you'll find me living by the Greek principle "Νοῦς ὑγιής ἐν σώματι ὑγιεῖ" (a healthy mind in a healthy body) - spending time at the gym, exploring philosophical concepts, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle that fuels both physical and mental growth.


A bit about my journey until now✈️

🎓 Graduated from Université Sorbonne Paris Nord - Master's degree in Interface Design Multimedia and Internet

1/3/2023 - current

Front-end Developer at

• Front-end development / JSX integration
• Cohesion Design System / UI
• Team building and writing specs

Master 2 – Design d’interface multimédia et internet

The master provides theoretical and practical training aimed at acquiring skills in the following areas:
• Design, ergonomics and scripting of interfaces
• Research and design for the user experience
• Design, integration and development of networked digital applications.
• Methodology of conduct and project management
• Analysis of hypermedia services

9/2022 - 7/2023

School 42 Paris

The curriculum is split in two parts: the common core, which broadly covers all topics of computer science and the second part students specialize into their own favourite topic (Algorithms, AI/ML, Systems, Graphics, Encryption, Docker, Web development, Cyber Security). The common core curriculum must be completed in a maximum of 18 months.

5/2022 - 10/2023
4/2022 - 8/2023

Programming tutor - Algorithmics Greece

I'm a Programming tutor for Algorithmics Greece and I currently teach Python and Game Design, helping students develop a strong foundation in programming concepts.

42 Paris School Piscine

Coding Bootcamp in C programming language based in the teaching methods of the school: peer-to-peer learning, group work, peerevaluation, and project pedagogy. In other words, we have no classes or teachers, we just have some projects to do and each other. After one month of intensive training in C and a lot of cooperative work I was selected to study in the school starting on May.

7/3/2022 - 1/4/2022

Cisco Engineer Incubator 9.0 apprenticeship - Cisco

The program consists of:
• CCNA training webinars & workshops
• Cisco advanced technologies seminars & webinars
• Professional Skills seminars, webinars and workshops
• DevNet - Python and Network Automation
Certificate: Cisco Incubator - Completion Certificate

9/2021 - 4/2022

Social Hackers Academy – Front End Web Development

Studying Front-End Development with SHA, a non-profit organization.
• HTML & CSS, JavaScript & Libraries, Frameworks.
• Soft Skills Course.
Certificate: Social Hackers Academy Certificate

9/2021 - 3/2022
9/2021 - 12/2021

Erasmus+ internship - E-ducation InProgress NGO

I did an erasmus internship as a recent graduate student in an NGO in Spain who is working with EU projects. My main tasks were:
• E-learning content creation
• EU Project development + implementation
• CMS development

SNF Nostos Coder Hackathon 1st prize

Worked in a team for this hackathon conercing AI and humanity. Key topics of the labs:
• The role of Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning in social media and beyond
• Bias in data and algorithms
• Ethical and Explainable AI (XAI)
• Applying principles for humanizing technology
• How Natural Language Processing (NLP) works
• How technology can be redesigned for the common good


INCO Academy - Work In Tech program by mexoxo

Participated in this fully-funded professional certification program, supported by and Coursera, and powered by INCO.
Certificate: Google IT Support Certificate

7/2021 - 12/2021

🎓 Graduated from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Diploma in French Language and Literature

Microsoft Technology Associate – HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals

Successfully completed the requirements to be recognized as a Microsoft Technology Associate for HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals.
Certificate: Microsoft Technology Associate – HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals


Udacity Nanodegree Program Graduate

Successfully graduated the Udacity Nanodegree Program for the AWS Machine Learning Foundations course holding the AWS Machine Learning Scolarship.
Certificate: Udacity Nanodegree Program Graduate

7/2021 - 10/2021

React App Development Course

Participated in a course for web app development with React.
Certificate: React App Development Certificate of attendance

5/2021 - 6/2021

Web Designer and Developer internship - ICSD NGO

Designed and developed a landing page for an Erasmus project.

Tech Academy (SOCIALINNOV) – Front End Development

Participated in a 40 hours cours for front end development with HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
Certificate: Front End Development MTA | Microsoft Technology Associate

4/2021 - 6/2021

Mathesis – CS3.2: Advanced web development

Six week course (estimated 60 hours) about Advanced web development, offered by Mathesis MOOCs.
Certificate: CS3.2: Advanced web development

2/2021 - 4/2021

Mathesis – CS3.1: Introduction to web development with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Six week course (estimated 60 hours) about "Introduction to web development with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript" which is offered by Mathesis MOOC.
Certificate: CS3.1: Introduction to web development with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

12/2020 - 1/2021

Vocational Training for Graphic Design

Participated in the 160 hours vocational training for graphic design provided by Women 4IT in collaboration with Eurotraining.
Certificate: Vocational Training Certificate

12/2020 - 5/2021

Development Agency of Karditsa (ANKA) – Python

Completed a 50 hours course about Basic & Advanced Python concepts.
Certificate: Python Course Certificate

11/2020 - 12/2020